Welcome, to the Sky Faction

Welcome to the Sky Faction.

Coming Soon, stay tuned!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Stuff! Finally!

Today is a good day... Or should I say two days ago... Anyway, NEW STUFF, or just a random post, WHAT EVER here it is:

I did some mock editorial work based on a few articles on the web, here is one about Android(c) phones secretly recording whatever their owner is doing... with the phone...

That is all for today, more to come, just thought I would come back and actually DO something with my blog... For once... Stay Tuned!

P.S. Anyone know how to make the image pop when clicked on? If so please p.m. me the instructions 'cus i'm too lazy to find out for myself... Not a big fan of HTML stuff. Thanks a bunch.


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