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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Imagining with Illustrator

I've recently did some weapon schematics with Illustrator, based on some of the most famous names in entertainment, can you guess what they are? :

Here is a comic I did with comic life Freshmen year:

Some pieces I did this year at school

More stuff!

Here are some more piece I did rather recently with the famous John Hersey (his website can be found here: http://www.hersey.com/ ), who taught me everything digital (most of the time anyway).

This is one of my favorite pieces I did this year. Focusing on the usage of Photoshop and illustrator, two of my favorite tools of the trade.

My personalized logo done with Adobe Illustrator.

The aim of this assignment is to utilize the simple pen tool with Illustrator and recreate a famous classic painting before 1960. Can you tell which piece this is? Who painted this?

The purpose of this assignment is to implement a character of my own design onto a real life picture. The aim of this is to understand the basics of Photoshop by experimenting with various tools and brushes.
Below are the blowups of the three pieces above:

This is a piece I did in Illustration class (with another locally famous artist: Chris Koehler, check out his website: http://chriskoehler.com/ )
It is an album cover that I did for a playlist of steampunk-styled musics. The quality of our school scanner is rubbish, as shown above.

Acrylic painting

Can you guess who this is?

More to come!

Here is a cover that I designed back in high school for the annual senior awards night at Henry. M Gunn Senior high school. I remembered I did three of these (each per year) But this is the one that I found so far.

Senior awards night 2010. This piece is named "To Future" because due to the "traditions" of the school students are expected to graduate and attend great colleges; colleges like Stanford University which was very close to our school and Berkeley. Lots of peer pressure and stuff like that.

More to come!